Devlog 7 - What's Her Name Again & Puzzles

First of the spooky month and I'm here with another devlog!

Since SSP has only one town and then a bunch of dungeons, I'm sure you can guess what I was working on! Yes. Another dungeon. The Northern Shrine where you pick up Relenia as your final party member. 

And then this puzzle is back! All the statues need their names back or you can't proceed. and like the original, they give you maybe, maybe not helpful clues to who their sisters are. The original had 15 statues, but I cut it down to 13 (I know, 2 whole statues--I'm sorry Kristina and Aubrey, I wanted to -try- and simplify it and that was the only way!). And I know this puzzle wasn't a favorite of people who played the original, but it's the kind of puzzles I adore. Sometimes you just gotta do what you like and stick to your guns. Unlike the original, however, you use up the names! So you won't have to stare at this huge list every time you want to assign a statue a name! I thank my wonderful team of beta-testers for helping me come up with the idea.

The Shrine mechanics wise is pretty much complete, I just am at that roadblock of boss + monsters again! I just have to dedicate a day to sitting down and I can churn them out, I just get hung up on the day to do it. There's always just so much to do AND then I have to also do their skills and ugh. Least favorite part of game making.

I know this update doesn't really have a lot. The other ones might not either unless I can think of something to say since I don't want to spoil the next areas for newcomers. We'll see! I DO know I'm almost at 100 total maps for the project though! The original had around 250 maps, so we're definitely on our way there. 

Anyway, thank you for reading. I'll keep up the quietly working over here and hope I can think of something to say next time! 

Get Star Stealing Prince - Definitive


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I'm so glad the names actually get used up because in the original my terrible memory was my worst enemy, lol. I'd give one a name and by the time I've moved to the next I've already forgotten what I chose.

I am so excited! Good luck with the rest! :D


SAME THOUGH and I'm the developer! In VX, I felt so bad I couldn't make the names get used up. Luckily, MV has the capability in a way as long as they're items that are used up (you just have to collect nameplates this time which is fine if you're an explorer! None of them will be hidden at least).

And thank you!! I'm excited too!