Not a devlog!

Hey! Sorry for like saying "Yeah, new year new me!" then like disappearing from here for like two months.

I just wanted to have a general update saying that yes, I am gonna get back to this, but I have been heavily distracted because I am finally going to try self-publishing a book. That has taken way more of my time than I initially thought, but it should be calming down now as I wait for the release date and I am incredibly burned out writing/editing for a bit, so I am getting the itch to work on graphics and maps again! So, because I am still stuck where the game is right now because of perfectionism, I am going to throw some energy into the next areas to map.

For the book part, if my writing has at all interested you throughout the years or even just right now, feel free to take a gander of what I'm trying to self-publish here:

In short: YA 90s-ish contemporary fantasy. When Morgan's divine duties erase his memories until he can hardly remember anything beyond his name, he dreams of one thing: escape. And he finally gets his chance when the very familiar Fin falls into his life and whisks him away from everything he knows.

Anyway, just wanted to do that quick update with what I was working on since I've been pretty mum over here. Once all the layoutting and prepping settles, I'm definitely gonna get some maps going again. I miss mapping! I have ice puzzles to think of! >:)

Get Star Stealing Prince - Definitive


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ooooh, book!!!

Good luck with the self-publishing! And good luck with the ice puzzles!! [waves pompoms for you]

Aww, thank you!! I'm excited for both! :D